Welcome to the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation Website
"Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." - Romans 15:7
Live-streaming and previously recorded services on YouTube by clicking here.
Welcome to the website for the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church. We pray that this web page becomes a useful tool in your spiritual life, fostering and nurturing a prayerful existence within the Lord's Holy Vineyard. Read More »
The Sacrament of Holy Confession may be scheduled by appointment by contacting Fr. Philip.
STEWARDSHIP is an important part of our Orthodox Christian Faith. Every member of the Church is expected to contribute and fulfill their financial responsibility to the Church. A minimum pledge of $400.00 per annum is expected for a family (i.e. a husband and a wife, or father, mother, and children).
A minimum pledge of $200 per annum is expected of a single adult. If a single adult has one or more children, he or she is expected to contribute the family rate of $400 per annum. Individuals with financial hardship, who can not pay the minimum expected stewardship, are urged to speak to the parish priest, Fr. Philip.
Sacraments, such as Holy Baptism and Holy Matrimony, are performed by the parish priest for parishioners who are in good financial stewardship standing. Parishioners must complete a form requesting the sacrament be performed. All dates are to be approved by the Parish Priest. The Parish Priest, as the Bishop's representative, is the supreme convening authority as to whether a sacrament is performed for an individual. The priest will direct an individual to provide a note from the parish council president or vice-president confirming that they are in good stewardship standing before the sacrament is scheduled.
Services Schedule
Sunday Services
Orthros: 9:00 AM (September - June) 8:45 AM (July - August)
Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM (September - June) 9:45 AM (July - August)
Online Chapel

Blaise the Hieromartyr of Sebastia
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.
Parish Bulletin - View our online weekly parish bulletin
The Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
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